15 Temmuz 2016 Cuma
' The Bomb in France '
Esselamunaleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berakatühu.. My dear brothers, sisters and friends. Unfortunately today, we wake up to sad news from Nice. Isis attached a new area in France and they choosed a celebration of day. Why Isis selected again and again to France ? Actually this question is going to be change like this.. why turkey and France ? We can say several reasons. One of them; a population. Approximately four million Muslim live in France. It is so important number. But this is symbolic. The another reason that France governments to defend and to apply some rules on the Muslims since 2000. Because you know usama bin Laden attached to America in 2001. So France governments apply some rules. These rules affected badly to Muslims. They don't want to change and they don't want to change own lifestyle. So that many young Muslims join Isis. Therefore, the biggest main problem is sociological structure. And governments has to change these ideas..
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